Prediabetes is a phase for type 2. In this phase, the glucose level in your blood is already higher than normal, but not yet high enough to speak of type 2. As the Diabetes Fund writes, your body responds less well in this phase on insulin and has difficulty processing blood sugar. At this stage you have an increased risk of developing diabetes. According to the Diabetes Association, you also run the risk of cardiovascular disease and can damage your eyes. Prediabetes can develop further into type 2, but this is not necessary; only a possibility.
Symptoms of type 2 dIabetes
The symptoms are sometimes difficult to recognize in the preliminary stages. However, the complaints are generally very similar to those of type 2.
- very thirsty and suffer from a dry mouth
- Pee a lot
- being tired a lot
- eye problems, such as blurred vision
- hardly healing wounds
- infections that often come back, such as cystitis
In many cases, a person does not show any obvious symptoms. In that case, it can only be recognized by high blood sugar levels and high blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
The exact cause is not known. We do know that several factors increase the risk of developing prediabetes. For example, obesity, age and heredity play an important role.
Another important cause is an unhealthy lifestyle. Alcohol consumption, smoking, unhealthy diet and lack of exercise are culprits. The advantage of this is that you can do something yourself to prevent further development into type 2!
By far the most effective way to prevent type 2 diabetes is to permanently change your lifestyle. Take good care of your body, avoid stress, drink in moderation and stop smoking.
A healthy lifestyle starts with good nutrition. Make sure you eat a varied diet and get important nutrients. Limit the consumption of saturated fat. Leave meat, cookies, snacks and sauces as much as possible.
A healthy lifestyle starts with good nutrition. But what exactly is “good nutrition”? There is a lot of information out there these days and it can sometimes be quite overwhelming. People with prediabetes are recommended to follow the healthy diet guideline just like everyone else. What does this guideline entail?
Especially eat this:
- Eat a more plant-based and less animal-based diet.
- Eat vegetables fruit, whole grain products, unsalted nuts and a few portions of dairy every day.
- Eat legumes and fish (preferably oily fish) weekly
Replace the following:
- Replace refined grain products with whole grain products.
- Replace butter, hard margarine and cooking fats with soft margarine, liquid cooking fat and vegetable oils.
- Replace unfiltered coffee with filtered coffee
Limit eating or drinking:
- Limit eating red meat and especially processed meat.
- Drink as few sugary drinks as possible.
- Do not drink alcohol
- Limit salt
We often sit still for hours a day without realizing it. Make sure you exercise for at least half an hour every day. Visit the gym, sign up for a sports club or go for a nice walk or bike ride with a friend! It doesn’t matter what you do, as long as you move.
Do you enjoy having a drink every now and then? Try to limit your alcohol consumption as much as possible. To prevent type 2, it is important that you live a healthy lifestyle, and (excessive) alcohol use is not part of this.
And did you know that a smoker has a 50% greater chance of developing type 2? Then stop smoking immediately. This is often not that easy. Your doctor has several options that can help you quit. You are in control of your own lifestyle.
What are the risks, side effects or complications?
Over time, complications develop in some people with diabetes mellitus. The complications of diabetes mellitus are:
- Damage to heart and blood vessels (“atherosclerosis”)
- Damage to the retina (“retinopathy”)
- Damage to the kidneys (“nephropathy”)
- Nerve damage (“neuropathy”)
- Ulcers and infections of the feet and lower legs (diabetic foot)
As you will understand, the symptoms of the various complications vary widely person to person. Therefore the best way is to see your doctor and dietary specialist for a whole medication and therapy advise.
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